Sulochana aims at creating sustainable goods with strong values, while protecting the environment’s diversity. We believe in quality and strive to provide it to our customers. Our quality has been recognized by our valued customers as well as emission certification authorities.
We regularly come out with the ETI Compliance and CSR Report to increase the transparency of the firm’s operations. Through this report, our investors and stakeholders can gain a better understanding of the firm, know more about our certifications, projects undertaken and CSR initiatives.

For workers’ rights. For better business.
Sulochana has a strict policy against child labour and does not engage any child workers, under any capacity across our group of companies. The personnel and other interested parties are communicated on the policies and written procedures for remediation and adequate financial and other support of children found to be working.
For workers’ rights. For better business.
Sulochana has a strict policy against child labour and does not engage any child workers, under any capacity across our group of companies. The personnel and other interested parties are communicated on the policies and written procedures for remediation and adequate financial and other support of children found to be working.


Sulochana recently provided all its women workers a POSH
training conducted by SGS. This was another certification
which helped strengthen our ETI compliance.
With this training, our women workers were able to gain insight
and learn more about Sexual Harassment as a whole. At the end
of the course the workers were successfully able to:
- Understanding of the term ‘sexual harassment’.
- Easily able to identify any uncomfortable situation.
- Know all the legal provisions for their protection.
- Protect themselves by security guards and safety workers.
- Gain insight into emotional trauma.

Since there are no trade unions, the Management has mechanisms in place to facilitate the election of employees’ representatives. They allow workers to freely elect their own representatives. The job of the representative is to act as a liaison between the employees and the upper management. With Freedom Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining being followed, committee representatives are never subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or retribution for any reasons.
Since there are no trade unions, the Management has mechanisms in place to facilitate the election of employees’ representatives. They allow workers to freely elect their own representatives. The job of the representative is to act as a liaison between the employees and the upper management. With Freedom Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining being followed, committee representatives are never subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or retribution for any reasons.

Sulochana is also a proud recipient of the BSR (Business for Social Responsibility) HERproject certification.
Our motive behind obtaining this certification was to increase the awareness and knowledge of health amongst our female workers through the creation of sustainable workplace programs. HERproject demonstrates the advantages of investing in women’s health in global supply chains through health awareness and behaviour modification.

Sulochana has a strict policy against child labour and does not engage any child workers, under any capacity across our group of companies. The personnel and other interested parties are communicated on the policies and written procedures for remediation and adequate financial and other support of children found to be working
Sulochana has a strict policy against child labour and does not engage any child workers, under any capacity across our group of companies. The personnel and other interested parties are communicated on the policies and written procedures for remediation and adequate financial and other support of children found to be working

Health & safety for women through accessible education

The Nalam Program was our step towards educating our female workers. Our employees were reached through a peer education program wherein they were sensitised on various topics. Our approach to health and education promotion is peer education, in which community members are assisted to promote health-enhancing change among their peers. We sought for peer education to teach or share health knowledge, beliefs, and behaviour, as well as educate people who may have comparable social backgrounds or life experiences.
Sulochana invests in recreational activities for its hard working employees.
On-site accommodation | Mobile recharge facilities | Sprawling playground | Library |
Home theater facilities | Getaway trips | Air conditioned sleeping rooms | Accommodation facilities for friends and families |

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are a set of operational requirements used by socially concerned vendors and investors to analyse possible investments. Environmental criteria take into account how a corporation behaves as a steward of the environment.
Social criteria look at how the company maintains connections with its workers, suppliers, consumers, and the communities in which it works. Governance is concerned with the leadership of a corporation, executive remuneration, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights. We adhere to these criteria strictly to ensure our company is an end-to-end socially and environmentally-conscious company.
Environmental Criteria:
Sulochana complies with the environmental criteria and is very conscious about
the environment. Our main activity is concerned with using recycled PET Bottles
so that speaks a lot for itself.
• Reduced landfill • Reduced emissions of CO2 • Reduced consumption of water
Sulochana complies with the environmental criteria and is very conscious about
the environment. Our main activity is concerned with using recycled PET Bottles
so that speaks a lot for itsel.

Environmental Criteria:
Sulochana complies with the environmental criteria and is very conscious about
the environment. Our main activity is concerned with using recycled PET Bottles
so that speaks a lot for itself.
• Reduced landfill • Reduced emissions of CO2 • Reduced consumption of water
Sulochana complies with the environmental criteria and is very conscious about
the environment. Our main activity is concerned with using recycled PET Bottles
so that speaks a lot for itsel.
Social Criteria:
Sulochana adheres to these social standards and criteria.

Sulochana employees get their salary & wages deposited into their salaried account. They can withdraw this money with the help of an ATM facility which is made available on campus to the workers
If any of our employees wishes to quit the company, they must provide
the management one month’s notice.
Any permanent worker’s employment may be terminated for any justifiable reason with one month’s notice, according to the provisions of the legislation applicable to the institution.
The cause for service termination must be documented in writing and notified to the worker at the time of termination
The working person’s resignation will not be effective unless and until the management accepts it, and such acceptance will be notified to the worker
Sulochana undertakes various risk mitigation steps to ensure the health and safety of workers on site. Regular safety measure training helps girls mitigate the risks and leave the working area in case of an emergency. Safety fire and evacuation drills that teach workers how to use the emergency red fire button and break the glass, followed by the use of fire extinguishers have also been conducted

Governance Criteria:
Sulochana keeps in mind all the above-mentioned criteria and does a thorough background check before employing a worker in the organisation. In addition to this they also refrain from any political donations or under the table activities of sorts. For the workers, they have various community welfare measures for fair representation, so that all their valid grievances and
problems can be taken up and resolved.
Sulochana and its workers have immense respect for Mother Earth and all her bounties. All of us constantly strive to make this planet a better place to live. Sulochana also believes and follows the motto of sustainability, traceability and transparency. Keeping in mind the same, to preserve the green earth, we have nearly planted 27,000 trees. This was done to preserve the Earth’s greenery and keep it intact.
Organic manure is also a staple at Sulochana. We use organic manure that is obtained from the vermi-culture system. The vermi-culture system creates organic manure by recycling cow and human waste. This organic manure in turn is used to grow healthy, leafy and clean organic vegetables in the garden on the premises.